8+ Band IELTS Task 1 Bar chart Model Answer

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart below shows the percentage of Australian men and women in different age groups who did regular physical activity in 2010.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Model Answer 

The bar chart compares the proportion of various age group of Australian men and women who engaged in physical workout regularly in 2010. Overall, it can be seen that the majority of males, particularly teenagers do more exercise, whereas the number of females, mainly those who aged 45 to 54 engaged in physical activities more compared to teenage females.

The facts of the bar chart data reveal that mainly males who aged 15 to 24 were committed to more physical activities that account for 52.8%, but, till 35 to 44, symmetry of this activism declined significantly (39.5%). However, beginning from males aged 45 to 54, till senior males aged 65 and over, the percentage of this activism went up to 46.7%.

On the opposite, it is obvious from the females' proportion that the most active females were 45 to 54 which corresponds 53.3%. Moreover, young women were less active compared to men aged 15 to 24. Likewise, it can be noted that the number of male and female who are 65 years old and over was nearly the same with 46.7% and 47.1% respectively.
Words 184.


  • Proportion = Ratio
  • Symmetry = Balance
  • Activism = Activity
  • Account for = Be the reason or explanation for 
  • Correspond = Be similar or compatible 
  • Likewise = Similarly
  • Respectively = In the order given
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  1. It was quite helpful.

  2. last sentence should be the number of male and female who are 65 years old and over WERE.... not was

    1. No... it should be was. The noun there is singular....number

    2. Decidedly that would be 'was' not were, because, there is a word 'The number' you have to know the grammar first.

  3. Hi,I have a question when you look at the overall chart Isn't it the females who engaged more in regular exercise? only in the first category men have a greater proportion than females.

    1. Yes, you can add that as a main sentence of the essay

  4. Anonymous08 July, 2021

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