IELTS Reading Question Type (5) Notes and Summary Completion

NeoTips for Notes and Summary Completion
The words you put must come from the passage and the sentence must be grammatically correct when words are filled.

Try to find the following sentence in the passage below.

Britain decided to send people to live and govern Australia due to __________factors.

This is in the paragraph 2 of the passage.
A number of reasons contributed to Britain's decision to colonize Australia.

And paragraph used the following paraphrases/ synonyms:

Reasons = factors
Colonize = send people to live and govern

Now, you can easily work out what the true answer is. The correct answer to put in the gap is "a number of".

Now, using this technique and the tips at the top, read the full passage and first write synonyms and then do the sentence completion exercise (the reading is shorter than a real IELTS reading to improve comprehension).

European Settlement of Australia

European settlement of Australia began in 1788 when a British penal colony was established on the east coast. From this starting point Australia grew rapidly and continually, expanding across the entire continent.

A number of reasons contributed to Britain's decision to colonise Australia. The most important factor was Britain's need to relieve its overcrowded prisons. Several violent incidents at overcrowded prisons convinced the British government of the need to separate unruly elements from the rest of the prison populace.

Additionally, Australia was of strategic importance to Britain, and it provided a base for the Royal Navy in the eastern sea. Also, Australia could be used as an entry point to the economic opportunities of the surrounding region. All these points figured in the decision by Lord Sydney, secretary of state of home affairs, to authorize the colonization.

To this affect, on May 13, 1787, Captain Arthur Phillip, commanding eleven ships full of convicts, left Britain for Australia. He successfully landed a full fleet at Botany Bay on January 18, 1788. However, they left the bay eight days later because of its openness and poor soil, and settled instead at Port Jackson, a few kilometres north. The ships landed 1,373 people, including 732 convicts, and the settlement became Sydney. Australia Day is now celebrated on 26 January each year, to commemorate this first fleet landing. 

Read the phrases below and then scan them in the paragraph below. Find their synonyms and write them in the blanks.

Words in the Passage
Synonyms from the Questions

Question 1
Question 2
Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Most important factor
All these points figured Authorise

Major consideration
Took every factor into account
Official permission
Lack of cover

Complete the following statements using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. (put your choice into the gaps - use small letters)

1. Australia was originally founded as __________________.
2. The major consideration in colonizing Australia was Britain’s_______.
3. It was thought that Australia could be utilized as___________ to the neighboring region.
4. Lord Sydney took every factor into account when he gave official permission for__________________ of Australia.
5. Botany Bay was abandoned by the settlers due to the lack of cover and _________________.

Read the text below and answer the questions in No More Than Three Words.

1. What do people think of the Sun now?

2. What is the Sun mainly composed of?

3. Where does the Sun's power come from?

4. What will happen in the next phase of the Sun's lifecycle

5. What other elements exist in the Sun?

6. Where did heavy elements in the Sun come from?

The Sun and Its Life Cycle

Once thought to be the centre of the universe, the Sun has gradually been demoted in cosmic importance and it is now considered to be a fairly average star of its kind. It consists of a number of elements, although the vast majority of it is in the form of hydrogen and helium. Nuclear fusion, the process by which hydrogen is converted into helium, powers the Sun and will do for approximately another five to six billion years, at which time the Sun will enter another phase in its life cycle and start to expand beyond its current size and become cooler. The other heavy elements present in the Sun, such as iron and carbon, most likely originated in the final explosive supernova phase of previous generation stars.

Complete the summary of the above passage. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text.

In the past, people thought the Sun was particularly important. However, we now think it is actually quite 1 __________ compared to other stars. The main constituents of our closest star are the light elements 2__________ . The Sun is at a point in its lifecycle where it is powered by 3__________ , although this process will not last forever. It will continue for billions of years, but eventually the Sun will begin to 4 __________ and 5 __________ as it enters the next stage of its life. Elements such as 6 __________ are also observed in the Sun. This is because at the end of their life 7 __________ exploded, releasing material that became part of new stars.
1 comment

1 comment :

    1. a penal colony
    2. overcrowded prisons
    3. an entry point
    4. the colonization
    5. poor soil.
    1 It is now considered to be a fairly average star of its kind.
    2 It consists of a number of elements, although the vast majority of it is in the form of hydrogen and helium.
    3 Nuclear fusion, the process by which hydrogen is converted into helium, powers the sun
    4 the sun will enter another phase in its lifecycle and start to expand beyond its current size and become cooler.
    5 iron and carbon
    6 originated in the final explosive supernova phase of previous generation stars.
    1 average
    2 hydrogen and helium
    3 nuclear fusion
    4 and 5 in any order expand/ become cooler
    6 iron and carbon
    7 previous generation stars
